Friday, April 19, 2013

Textured Walls

It’s one thing to give your room depth by painting the walls a bright color, but it’s a completely different story if you use real texture! From exposed bricks to ancient walls to crazy installations, textured walls are a beautiful way to make your home stand out among the rest.

Here are some great examples:
This wall is so retro! And the owner of it clearly saw that, since he or she decorated accordingly. That’s the fun part about a textured wall – you let that set the tone of the room, and you never know what creative theme you could end up with!
Geometric shapes go with any color, and these white overlapping squares and rectangles are no exception! With a wall like this you don’t even need to think about painting. And just look how much depth the wall adds.
I love this rustic exposed wall. You never know what hides behind your walls, and in this case it’s something truly lovely!

This is another fantastic textured wall that must have been a part of the home already. It certainly gives your eyes something to focus on.
The waves on this white wall really complement this kitchen, not to mention brighten it up. The shapes bring an energy to the space that might not have come about otherwise.
Have you ever seen more glorious exposed brick walls? These are just beautiful, and the simple furniture pieces don’t take any attention away to the natural beauty.

Pristine white walls are so passé. It’s time to add some texture to your home, and the walls are a great place to start!

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